Biosafety Training Requirements


Biosafety Training Requirements
Research Area Required Training Courses Frequency
rDNA and synthetic nucleic acid molecules Biological Safety in the Laboratory
Implementation of NIH Guidelines
Required once
Biohazardous agents (i.e., bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions, parasites) Biological Safety in the Laboratory Required once
Bloodborne pathogens (e.g., HIV, HBV, HCV, HTLV, EBV, HPV, CMV, etc) Bloodborne Pathogens Annual OSHA Requirement Required annually if you work with infectious microorganisms, human blood, human body fluids, or human/primate cell lines
All research labs Lab specific training is required for every individual that works in the lab—regardless of job duties Required annually
Shipping biohazardous agents, clinical specimens, and dry ice Contact HSRM at [email protected] or (612) 626-6002 Required every 2 years
Note: Visiting scientists must complete required University of Minnesota training before they can work in a lab at the University.

Biosafety Consideration for Working with Human Materials

Human cell lines: Since no human cell lines can be guaranteed to be free of all bloodborne pathogens, Biosafety Level 2 practices must be followed.

Other Biosafety Task-Specific Training

Note: At this time, the following training sessions are not mandatory; however the Biosafety and Occupational Health Department (BOHD) strongly encourages all staff to review any applicable training: