Other Services

The following is a list of other services provided by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety:

ServiceDescriptionPrimary Contact
Chemical Inventory SystemResearchers and other chemical users use the chemical inventory system to track their chemicals by quantity and location. The system also provides access to chemical safety information, and facilitates compliance with a number of regulatory requirements. Note: This system is currently in development.Sam Stoxen
Maximum Allowable Quantity (MAQ) AnalysisDesign teams can submit chemical inventories for MAQ analysis during construction and remodeling to facilitate building code permitting.Sam Stoxen
Chemicals of Interest OversightLRS provides guidance and oversight to areas affected by the Department of Homeland Security—Chemicals of Interest and Chemical Security program.Fred Onyango
Construction Plan ReviewsProject managers invite LRS to participate on design meetings and submit lab-related project plans to LRS for review and recommendations for ventilation, eyewashes, and other safety features. 
DOD/DOE Safety and Environmental Compliance AssuranceResearchers request assistance from LRS to assist in completion of Department of Defense/Energy safety- and environmental-related documentation for grant submissions. Kim Jenkins
ErgonomicsThe DEHS Industrial Hygiene Division offers ergonomic evaluation services to assist in prevention of musculoskeletal injuries.Neil Carlson
External Sales Requests (Safety Reviews)UMN External Sales Office requests assistance from LRS to conduct safety reviews of University departments considering sales of goods or services to entities outside of the University.Adam Krajicek
Field Research Safety ResourcesResearchers request assistance and guidance on best practices for safety in field research. Please visit the Field Research Safety web page for more information.Sam Stoxen
Fume Hood CertificationLRS manages a process to annually test and recertify the approximately 2,000 fume hoods on campus.Brian Andersson
Hazardous Materials ShippingDEHS can assist researchers with the shipment of hazardous chemicals (i.e., samples on dry ice, diagnostic specimens) to other research labs or facilities whether by ground, air, domestic or international.Calvin Cole
Indoor Air QualityThe DEHS Industrial Hygiene Division offers indoor air quality assessment services to assist in determining sources of hazardous or nuisance airborne contaminants, as well as recommendations for controlling unwanted contaminants.Mike Buck
Laboratory Acceptance TestingConstruction and project managers request assistance from LRS to verify ventilation, fume hood function, and other safety features as part of the commissioning process and for obtaining certificates of occupancy.Adam Krajicek
Lab Auditing ProgramLRS conducts audits and inspections of approximately 1,000 research and laboratory programs on campus.Adam Krajicek
Minors in the LabGuidance for obtaining approval for minors working in laboratories in found in the chemical hygiene plan or by contacting the HSRM office.Adam Krajicek
Noise MonitoringThe DEHS Industrial Hygiene Division offers Noise monitoring services to assist in determining noise exposure levels, as well as recommendations for remediating noisy conditions.Neil Carlson
SOP Review for High Hazardous ChemicalsLRS reviews SOPs involving the use of high hazard chemicals. Requests for reviews come from IACUC, IBC, and directly from researchers.Adam Krajicek
Space Use Requests (safety reviews)The University's Space Use Office requests assistance from LRS to conduct safety reviews of activities proposed to be conducted in outdoor spaces on University property.Adam Krajicek
Student Group Safety ResourcesLRS provides consultation services to student groups who conduct potentially hazardous activities.Brian Andersson

Unlisted Equipment (3rd Party Validations)

Facilities Lab Equipment Purchasing 

LRS assists researchers and others wanting to purchase or use equipment that does not have required U.L. or other recognized safety certifications. LRS can help identify and contract for services with external engineers who can evaluate and provide 3rd party validations to allow for the use of unlisted equipment on campus.Jordan Romine