Safety Training & Schedules

Each supervisor should assess the safety and health traning for employees under their supervision based on the work tasks to be performed.

Initial employee safety training should be completed prior to an employee being exposed to hazards of a given work task. Refresher training requirements may be needed more frequently than noted based on individual needs or due to a substantial change in the subject matter or work practice. 

The table below identifies employee health and safety training needs.

Note: If additional courses need to be identified, please contact Health, Safety, and Risk Management, Workplace Safety Division at (612) 626-6002.


Workplace Safety Training
Title Description Frequency Audience Instructor
Accident/Incident Management Identification of accident reporting responsibilities and process, investigation techniques, case studies, and corrective action plans.  As needed Employees, Supervisors, and Managers Workplace Safety
Ariel Lift Work Platforms Instruction on safe operating procedures, hazard recognition, equipment inspection, and PPE for aerial lift operation. Initially, 5 years Supervisors and operators of aerial lifts Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Agricultural Tractors and Farm Equipment Instruction on safe operating practices, hazard recognition, and equipment inspection requirements. Initially, Annually Supervisors and operators of agricultural tractors Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Asbestos Identification of hazards, recognition, safe work procedures and proper disposal of asbestos. (2 Hour Awareness training for most staff. Hazardous Materials Staff need 16 Hours Maintenance & Operations training.) Initially, Annually Building maintenance and construction personnel Certified instructor
Back Safety Review of safe lifting procedures and techniques to avoid back injury. As needed Employees and supervisors who do manual lifting Supervisor, Workplace Safety or medical professional
Bloodborne Pathogens Identification of bloodborne pathogen diseases, exposures, and universal precautions. (Annual requirement for routine exposures.) Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors potentially exposed to blood and body fluids Supervisor, Workplace Safety or medical professional
Chain Saw Operation Instruction on the safe operating procedures, inspection, maintenance, and PPE requirements for operating a chain saw. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors who use chain saws Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Confined Space Entry Identification of the safe work procedures, hazards, and permit requirements for entering confined spaces. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors entering confined spaces Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Defensive Driving Instruction on safe driving and defensive driving techniques for operating a motor vehicle. As needed Employees that operate motor vehicles for business purposes Certified Instructor through Fleet Services
Earth-Moving Equipment Identification of safe work procedures for operation and working around earth-moving equipment, and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements. Initially, Annually Equipment operators and employees exposed to earth-moving equipment Supervisor, contractor representative or Workplace Safety
Electrical Safety Review of safe work procedures and hazards for using and maintaining electrical equipment. Topic to include Lockout/Tagout Initially, every 2 years Electricians that work with electrical equipment Electrician or electrical safety consultant
Excavation Safety Identification of protective systems, soil classification, hazard recognition and safe work procedures for in or around excavations. Initially, 3 years Employees involved with trenching or excavation operations Supervisor, vendor or Workplace Safety
Fall Protection Instruction on fall protection requirements and protective measures related to potential fall hazards from elevation exposures. Initially, Annually Employees exposed to fall hazards of (6) six feet or greater Supervisor, vendor or Workplace Safety
Fire Protection Identification of the principals of a fire; use, inspection, maintenance and types of portable fire extinguishers; building fire protection systems. Initially, Annually All employees Building Services Personnel, supervisor or Safety professional
First Aid/AED/CPR Instruction on basic first aid measures, CPR procedures and AED usage Initially, As needed to maintain certification Electricians Certified Instructor
Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklifts & Skid Steers) Instruction and certification on the safe operating procedures, inspection, and maintenance of forklifts/Industrial tracks. Initially, 3 years Forklift operators and service personnel Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Grain Bins Instruction on the safe work practices, hazard identification and safe entry procedures for grain bins. Initially, Annually Supervisors and employees involved in grain bin operations Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Hazard Communication and Right-to-Know Identification of hazardous substances, physical agents or infectious agents to which employees are routinely exposed at work and the protective measures required. Initially, Annually or when new hazards are introduced Employees routinely exposed to hazards identified in the description Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Hearing Conservation Implement Hearing Conservation Program and training when action level is 85 dBA or greater.  Initially, Annually Employees whom meet or exceed the action level  Supervisor, vendor or Workplace Safety
Heat Stress Identification of the signs and symptoms, first aid and prevention methods of heat stress and heat stroke. Could be included as a part of RTK. Initially, Annually Employees work in warm environments or doing heavy labor Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Hot Work Identification of the hazards, safe work procedures and permit requirements for hot work. Initially, 3 years Employees and supervisors involved in hot work Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Ladder Safety Instruction on the safe work procedures for use and maintenance of portable ladders. As needed Employees who use portable ladders Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Landcare Safety Review of the hazards and safe operation procedures of land care, which includes power and hand tools safety, proper lifting, personal protective equipment requirements and pedestrian safety. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors involved in land care operations Supervisors or Workplace Safety
Lead Safety Identification of the health hazards and methods to minimize exposure to lead, preventative measures, blood lead levels, and sources of lead exposure. Initially, Annually Employees performing work activities with lead exposure Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Lockout/Tagout Instruction on "Lockout/Tagout" procedures to prevent the uncontrolled release of energy. Initially, Authorized employees – annually, Affected employees – as needed Building maintenance personnel; mechanics and equipment operators Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
New Employee Safety Orientation Introduction to employee safety risk management, employee safety responsibilities, accident reporting and personal protective equipment (PPE). Initially All new or transfer employees Supervisor and Workplace Safety
Personal Protective Equipment Identification of the hazards for potential personal injury: personal protective equipment (PPE) use and maintenance. PPE includes seat belt usage. Initially, Annually Employees routinely exposed to eye, foot, hand, head, hearing, fall, or traffic hazards Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Pesticide Application Identification of safe work practices, hazard identification, storage and PPE requirements in the use of pesticides. Initially, and as required to maintain state licensure Employees applying pesticides  Certified instructor
Power & Hand Tool Safety Review of the safe operating procedures for maintenance, use and inspection of power (pneumatic, electric, hydraulic) and hand tools. As needed  Employees required to use power and hand tools Supervisor, vendor representative or Workplace Safety
Radiation Safety Identification of potential radiation hazards, safe work practices and hazards of radiation Initially, Annually Employees whom work with or near radiation hazards Supervisor or Radiation Safety
Respiratory Protection Identification of the proper selection, use, maintenance, storage, and limitations of respirators; respiratory hazard recognition, health effects, fit testing and medical evaluation. Initially, Required users – annually, Voluntary users – as needed Employees whom wear respirators Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Safety Supervision Review of the supervisor's role and responsibilities for safety leadership.  As needed Supervisory and Managerial Personnel Workplace Safety
Scaffolding Safety Identification of safe work procedures for erecting, dismantling, and working from scaffolding or elevated work platforms. Initially, as needed to maintain certification Employees required to erect, or work on scaffolds or elevated work platforms Certified instructor
Silica, Respirable Crystalline Identify sources and task that produce respirable crystalline silica, how to mitigate the hazards through wet and dry processes and when respiratory protection is needed. Initially, Annually with Haz Comm training Employees required to power drill, cut, or grinding cement, stone Supervisor, vendor or Workplace Safety
Snow Removal Safety Identification of safe work procedures and hazards of snow removal. Initially, Annually BGT & Landcare employees involved in snow removal Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Standard Operating Procedures for Summer (Landcare)  Review of the safe work procedures and hazards of summer work operations. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors involved in summer operations Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Standard Operating Procedures for Winter (Landcare) Review of the safe work procedures and hazards of winter work operations. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors involved in winter operations Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Steam System Safety Identification of steam boiler licensing requirements, safe work and operating procedures for steam boilers and related equipment. Initially, as needed to maintain state licensure Employees and supervisors responsible for high pressure steam boiler operation Certified instructor
Trailer Load Securement Review of safe trailer load securement requirements and procedures. Includes securing mobile equipped on trailers.  As needed Employee and supervisors involved in trailer load securing Vendor Representatives or Workplace Safety
Waste and Recycling Safety Review of the hazards and safe work practices of handling waste and recycling. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors involved in waste and recycling operations Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Welding and Cutting Identification of safe work procedures for performing welding, cutting, and hot work. Initially, 3 years Employees involved in the operation of equipment for welding or torch cutting Vendor Representative, Supervisor or Workplace Safety
Work Protection Standard (WPS) Review of safe work practices, hazard identification and PPE requirements for agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. Initially, Annually Employees and supervisors involved in agricultural type work Qualified WPS trainer