Biological Toxins Waste Disposal
Container for disposal or treatment Where to place for pickup Who picks up the waste

Place in a suitable container for treatment

Liquid waste: Treat with 10% (1:9 v/v) bleach for at least 30 minutes or other proven effective inactivating agent

If the toxin is in a hazardous chemical mixture, put in hazardous chemical waste container after treatment with inactivating agent — no longer a biological toxin hazard. HSRM 
See Chemical Waste Guidelines

Place in a suitable container for treatment

Solid waste containing low molecular weight toxin: Place waste in a yellow bag for incineration

Next to regular lab trash container Call (612) 625-6481 for yellow bag & yellow barrel delivery & pickup

Place in a suitable container for treatment

Solid waste containing proteinaceous toxin: Autoclave waste at 121°C for 60 minutes or place in a red biohazard bag

Place autoclaved bag in regular waste container or place red bag next to regular lab trash container Facilities Management (FM)