Types of Radioactive Waste Containers

Note: Please do not fill liquid waste jars over a level of four inches from the top. At this level, the volume in the jar is approximately eight liters.

Radioactive Waste Containers
Definitions Isotope Type Container

Solid Long Half Life

This includes the following contaminated items: gloves, blue pads, paper, test tubes, beakers, broken glass, bedding, solid (at room temperature) gels, etc.

Note: Place broken glass in a box (any box) before putting it in the container, to avoid cuts to waste handlers and waste bag

Long half-life

More than 90 days
Metal can, 10-30 gallon
Metal can, 10-30 gallon

Solid Short Half Life

This includes the following contaminated items: gloves, blue pads, paper, test tubes, beakers, broken glass, animal bedding, solid gels (at room temperature) etc.

Note: Place broken glass in a box (any box) before putting it in the container, to avoid cuts to waste handlers and waste bag

Short half-life

Less than 90 days
Fiber box, 20 gallon Square
Fiber box, 20 gallon Square

Liquid Aqueous or Liquid Flammable

LA waste consists of non-hazardous radioactive liquids waste.

LF waste has flammable components.


Separated by half-life
8 liter glass jar held within a metal container
8 liter glass jar held within a metal container
Stock Vial


Separated by half-life
Original or any other cardboard box, various sizes


Separated by half-life
Animal box, various sizes
Animal box, various sizes


Separated by half-life
Sharps container, various sizes
Sharps container, various sizes
Scintillation Waste


Separated by half-life
Polyethylene Bucket,  5-gallon
Polyethylene Bucket, 5-gallon