Trip Preparation

To prepare for your trip

  1. Complete field safety plan
  2. Complete safety training based on your plan
  3. Obtain immunizations if recommended for your destination
  4. Hold pre-trip meeting to review your field safety plan, travel logistics, pack list (including first aid kit), etc.

Field Safety Plan

Note: It is recommended that you start this process early in the planning stages of your field work to allow time to gather information, identify controls needed, and document training.

Begin by completing the HSRM Field Safety Plan Template, being sure to attach any related documents as appropriate.

Sections of the Field Safety Plan include:

  • Site location and description
  • Emergency services at the site
  • Modes of travel and site access
  • First aid considerations
  • Travel preparations
  • Participants and contact information

Register an international trip or obtain insurance information?

  • If you are traveling internationally, register your travel plan through GPS Alliance
  • Traveling on University business is covered by General Liability